Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications |
About CUT
The Campaign | The People |
Welcome! Welcome to CUT. Here we give you an overview of what CUT and its Web site are about and how to get the best out of them. What is CUT all about? We campaign for fairer pricing structures for UK telecommunications customers: in particular, for the introduction of unmetered tariffs, including unmetered local calls, for all UK subscribers across all telecommunications operators. If you are unsure what we mean by 'unmetered', see here for an explanation. UK subscribers are currently getting a poor deal from operators, particularly where calls to the Internet are concerned. The new medium of the Internet requires different pricing models to voice calls; providers must implement these models if the Internet is to reach its full potential in this country. How do I find my way around? We spent a lot of time developing and testing the site navigation. The site is divided into sixteen parts: no matter what browser you use you should never be far from them. If you are using an advanced graphical browser you will find that the buttons on the left of the screen correspond to the individual parts. If your browser does not support frames or graphics, you will not see the navigation bar on the left, but links to all parts of the site are included at the bottom of every page. In each part there are menus which take you to its constituent pages: these menus remain constant, wherever possible, as long as you remain within that part. Certain parts, such as the Discussion forum, need a slightly different approach, but navigation is consistent through most of the site. Please let us know if you run into any problems finding your way around and we'll do our best to fix them. What can I do and where do I start? There is already much you can do as the site is highly interactive. Most importantly, contribute! Share your views and pass on any thoughts you have. There are many ways to take part, from our Discussion Forum to our mailing list. To get a feel for the campaign, read everything under About; you have made a good start by reading this page. Then have a look, in the first instance, at the Issues and Features parts, where there are many articles about the issues we campaign on. If you like what you see, go to Get Involved, which will give you ideas for contributing further. Even if you do no more, please register your support for our aims. How can I tell which pages have changed recently?
There's a Site Map to help you keep track of changes. It lists
every page that makes up the site and indicates which are new (added within the past week) and
updated (within the past fortnight).
Anything else? Enjoy the site!
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based on an original concept by Runic Design.
© CUT 1999.