Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

  • Financial Outline
  • First AGM Report
  • Second AGM Report
  • Third AGM Report
  • Responses
  • Quotations
  • Technology Table
  • Useful Reports
  • Abbreviations & References
  • Technology Table

    Below is a list of Internet access technologies either available now or known to be in active development, together with their potential or actual access speeds, charging structures and availability.

    If there are any mistakes or missing technologies, please send us the details.

    Technology Access Speed Charging Structure Availability
    ADSL 512Kb/sec to user, 128Kb/sec from user £40pcm (BTopenworld home service)
    £25pcm (estimated Kingston retail)
    limited availability now
    ATM up to 622Mb/sec flat-rate monthly or yearly charge + setup available now
    BT Home Highway 64Kb/sec and 128Kb/sec metered by time + setup + line rental available now
    Cable modem 512Kb/sec to user, 128Kb/sec from user £20pcm (NTL)
    £25pcm (Telewest)
    limited availablity now
    Fixed wireless [wireless] up to 2Mb/sec TBD pending (licences awarded in part)
    Frame relay 64Kb/sec to 2Mb/sec flat-rate monthly charge + setup available now
    GSM [wireless] 14.4Kb/sec metered by time + service rental available now
    ISDN2 128Kb/sec metered by time + setup + line rental available now
    ISDN30 2Mb/sec metered by time + setup + line rental available now
    Leased line 64Kb/sec to 2Mb/sec flat-rate monthly or yearly charge + setup available now
    Tele2 [wireless] 128Kb/sec to 384Kb/sec metered by data + setup limited availability now
    Telephone modem up to 56Kb/sec normally metered by time + setup + line rental available now
    WAP [wireless] 14.4Kb/sec metered or £20pcm unmetered (Genie) available now
    GPRS [wireless] up to 171.2Kb/sec theoretically; about 40Kb/sec in practice TBD in development (eg BT Cellnet, One2One)
    UMTS [wireless] up to 2Mb/sec theoretically; unknown in practice TBD in development (licences awarded)

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    Site design by Richard Sliwa
    based on an original concept by Runic Design.
    © CUT 2001. Last updated 14 June 2001.