Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

The Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications is dissolved (10 June 2001)

Following a unanimous vote at its third Annual General Meeting the Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications is dissolved.

The meeting decided that, as there is sustainable unmetered telecommunications in the United Kingdom at reasonable cost, it is time to stop when ahead. It would be unworthy of the Campaign, the Committee and its Members to have it fade into the background; the Campaign was set up to effect change and change it has effected.

There will always be problematic issues – at the moment these include DSL and mobile Internet access – but it is far easier to change a basis of charge (metered to unmetered) than the magnitude of a charge, especially when organisations outside the telecommunications industry do not have, and cannot have, access to internal costs and other commercially sensitive information.

That said, since 1998 the industry has opened up considerably and there are many opportunities for anyone to put forward their point of view on telecommunications matters; Committee members will continue to contribute to industry events and discussions on their own initiative.

The remaining Campaign funds are voted to be distributed thus:

We have now produced a formal report of the third AGM; this Web site will be available indefinitely although the interactive parts, other than the mailing list, are now shut down.

The Committee thanks all the individuals and organisations who helped it and, in particular, our 10,000 plus supporters and the five former Committee members. Everything the Campaign did took place, uncompensated, in the free time of its participants.

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© CUT 2001. Last updated 14 June 2001.