Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

So how did your Internet strike go? (5 February 1999)

Most participating countries have reported back as best they could after the 31 January strike.

Belgium: No returns.

France: The combined reports suggest Web traffic down about 60%, IRC down 50%, email down about 50%.

Greece: No figures, but the strike was widely reported and even got on the national television news, as the family of one of the CUT Associates told me. Remarkably, the Greek campaign is organised by one person in Boston (USA); they tell me they are going to get some people 'on the ground' in Greece.

Italy: One of the two major campaigns (Iniziativa) took part with over 5500 participating. After the announcement of the boycott, two members of parliament issued press releases requesting a review of the current metered tariffs. There was also coverage by the major Italian news agency.

Poland: No figures, but there was much media coverage. As with Switzerland, the campaign was very new and only joined in at the last minute.

Portugal: The campaigners had to go ahead without the cooperation of their country's ISPs and state-owned media. That said, their private estimates included IRC down 80% and Web traffic down 20-25% on the day.

Spain: Two sets of returns: the Cybernauts reported news down 97%, Undernet down 80%, IRC down 60% and email down 80% whereas the Union of Cybernauts reported email down 94%, advertising banners served down 95% and Web site hits down 87%. These were far higher than the 40%-70% generally expected, and are a result of the excellent organisation in Spain.

Switzerland: No figures, but extensive coverage. The Swiss site (in French) gathered over 2,500 signatures, which is not bad going given that the campaign had been running for less than a month.

United Kingdom: There was, quite deliberately, no strike, although both ZDNet UK and The Register seemed to have difficulty understanding this `:( (And, inexplicably, The Register got it right first time round!)

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