Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

Our position on (29 April 1999)

Many people have contacted me with the words:

Now that has started up, are you going to fold?
To answer that, read our Mission Statement.

Quite apart from the offer being restricted both in numbers and in geographical reach, it satisfies, in part, one of our five aims. What about:

  • charges for voice telephony;
  • use of the Internet during weekdays;
  • the minimum call charge;
  • continuing delays to broadband access;
  • lack of transparency of costs;
  • the general regulatory and Governmental shambles;
to name but a few? We've not even started, never mind finished!

That said, we are delighted that Tempo and LocalTel have made what is, for the United Kingdom telecommunications industry, a courageous and possibly risky decision. At last someone has taken away the ticking clock for some of the time, which can only be in the interest of users.

Finally, all five committee members had, and still have, an equivalent to the offer - the dreaded Videotron tariff. It was in place before CUT started.

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