Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

Delboy on the banks of the Thames (19 March 1999)

A bit familiar? Perhaps, but the Memb er for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, and chairperson of the All-Party Internet Group, doesn't always call himself Derek Wyatt. We met him on the Terrace of the House of Commons on Wednesday night.

Talk about preaching to the converted? We didn't even have to mention Karoo Xtra as he knew all about it already; I (Alastair) had 'explain the Kingston situation' on the huge list of topics to mention which, after the first couple of minutes, vanished into a bag never to be seen again ...

By about an hour and a half later we had a list of about twenty MPs and ministers to write to with suggestions of what to say to them, yet more people in media organisations to contact, an intriguing suggestion of a debate at the RSA, a couple of pointers to meetings to address and one other thing to do which you will be reading about very soon.

A most useful and impressive meeting, and there'll be more to come.

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