Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

A submission to OFTEL (12 December 1998)

OFTEL has issued a consultation document and is asking people for their views on encouraging competition in broadband services, as BBC Online reported.

Minds are being exercised on this problem in the USA as well: if an operator spends £millions, or even £billions, on upgrading their own networks for broadband access, they'll want to run their own services on it, and only their own services. Yet monopolies are universally seen as a Bad Thing.

The circle is proving difficult to square, and OFTEL have asked for help. We certainly entertain thoughts on the matter, and have decided to submit our views. The closing date for submissions is 24 March 1999, so there's plenty time for discussion.

We encourage your help and comments; it would be very nice if this submission could be done collectively.

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