Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications |
Barbados, unmetered paradise, has recently been threatened by Cable and Wireless with metering. In exchange for giving up its monopoly to provide telecommunications services in Barbados until 2011 and allowing the introduction of competitive services, Cable and Wireless has proposed introducing metered calls in order to increase revenues. Many of the island’s 50,000 Internet users (20 per cent of the population) were alarmed by this and protested loudly. Cable and Wireless has now proposed a two tier pricing system, one metered and the other unmetered, but the issue is still not resolved. Through contact with one of the protesters, we will be keeping a close eye on developments in Barbados which, if Cable and Wireless has its way, will be going backwards from unmetered to metered. This issue brings back memories for the founding Committee members because we kicked off our campaign almost three years ago with a - successful - protest in front of Cable and Wireless Communications' London headquarters over its threatened removal of the Videotron unmetered tariff, as famously reported by BBC News Online.
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