Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

CUT, OFTEL and a Select Committee (11 April 1999)

At the beginning of March, OFTEL submitted a Memorandum and gave oral evidence to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Trade and Industry's Inquiry into Electronic Commerce. OFTEL had rather a lot to say about call charging - and we had rather a lot to say last month about the contents of the Memorandum.

But we went further than complaining amongst ourselves: we decided we had to produce a formal response and got in touch with the Assistant Clerk of the Select Committee, Mark Egan. He was very helpful and said, 'Can you do it by Easter?'

This was a tight deadline, to put it mildly, but we completed our response in time: Mr Egan emailed us yesterday to say that he has no objections to it being published and that it has been distributed to the Select Committee members. There is only about a week left of the Committee's deliberations, then they have to produce a report for the end of April, so we are in right at the death.

And our response is indeed published.

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